
Welcome to my site. I hope you can find some useful information and recipes here. I’m a Chinese who lives in United States. I just love cooking and eating, and love to share my cooking experience with my friends and family and anybody who loves homecooking. Each recipe will be posted twice, one in Chinese, one in English. I decided to start using WordPress since it has more features than my old way. I will slowly re-post all my old recipes here, and add new recipes when there’s any. I had a domain as http://www.lauraonline.net. I was so busy in 2011 and didn’t realize that it expired and it was so expensive to renew at that time, so I decided to start over with this one. All my old recipes are still available until I re-post all of them here. Here is the link: http://old.mamalee.net Let’s enjoy cooking and share our experiences together! Sincerely Mama Lee